I advise Sellers to be careful when choosing a listing price. As it clearly shows above, homes that are not priced right take longer to sell and typically sell for less. Appreciation is looking good for the greater Queen Anne, Magnolia, Ballard, Greenlake area. The average home appreciated 8% and the median home appreciated 9% for the month of February 2006 compared to 2007. See below for more specific information for each zip code.
I advise Buyers to be ready to move when they find a home that fits their criteria. As it show above there is competition for homes that are priced right.
Zip Code 98119 Residential and Condo
A total of 25 homes sold in 98119. Of those 15 sold within the first 30 days and received 98.98% of the listing price, 4 sold between 31 and 60 days and received 97.45% of the listing price, 3 sold between 61 and 90 days and received 97.29% of the listing price, 1 sold between 91 and 120 days and received 98.27%, and 2 sold 120+ days and received 97.34% of the listing price.
View Listings link will be available for 30 days. http://locator.nwmls.com/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=Locator&PRGNAME=MLSLogin&ARGUMENT=lTGmPH3gZKprsGBYNIDVhOaoxIIPzhZh%2BwECytdTlJo%3D&KeyRid=1
Zip Code 98199 Residentual and Condo
A total of 23 homes sold in 98199. Of those 13 sold within the first 30 days and received 100.84% of the listing price, 0 sold between 31 and 60 days, 5 sold between 61 and 90 days and received 97.19% of the listing price, 5 sold between 91 and 120 days and received 99%, and 0 sold 120+ days.
View Listings link will be available for 30 days. http://locator.nwmls.com/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=Locator&PRGNAME=MLSLogin&ARGUMENT=lTGmPH3gZKprsGBYNIDVhIrhCpWdjVq8wlrdU6PZ5rc%3D&KeyRid=1
Zip Code 98107 Residential and Condo

View Listings link will be available for 30 days. http://locator.nwmls.com/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=Locator&PRGNAME=MLSLogin&ARGUMENT=lTGmPH3gZKprsGBYNIDVhDYG2k1i0vo3NCMEiAjt31A%3D&KeyRid=1
Zip Code 98117 Residential and Condo

View Listings link will be available for 30 days. http://locator.nwmls.com/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=Locator&PRGNAME=MLSLogin&ARGUMENT=lTGmPH3gZKprsGBYNIDVhOR0hk7nKzHlEG95V%2BpLJ%2BU%3D&KeyRid=1
Zip Code 98103 ResidentialA total of 82 homes sold in 98103. Of those 49 sold within the first 30 days and received 100.5% of the listing price, 13 sold between 31 and 60 days and received 99.23% of the listing price, 7 sold between 61 and 90 days and received 98.04% of the listing price, 9 sold between 91 and 120 days and received 99.11% of listing price, and 4 sold 120+ days and received 99.23% of listing price.
View Listings link will be available for 30 days. http://locator.nwmls.com/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=Locator&PRGNAME=MLSLogin&ARGUMENT=lTGmPH3gZKprsGBYNIDVhCJFICp3l9A5jQolkHgvuwk%3D&KeyRid=1
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